Odisha Tribal Study 2022
ASER Centre and Pratham Education Foundation collaborated with the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes…
Voices: Insights from the Year 1 survey
The concept of ‘Life Skills’ has gained widespread interest in recent years, both in…
Voices: Year 2 Report
The concept of ‘Life Skills’ has gained widespread interest in recent years, both in…
ASER Health Report
The ASER Health Report summarises ASER Centre’s work to extend the ASER approach to…
Did Technology Enable Inclusive Education in Rural India in a Year of Lockdown?
This report, a complement to the ASER 2020 report, looks at the ASER 2020…
International Common Assessment of Numeracy (ICAN)
ICAN (International Common Assessment of Numeracy), a simple-to-use and scalable tool that measures children’s…
Understanding Education, Employment, and Vocational & Skill Training among Youth in Rural India
This study is an in-depth exploration of the educational and work aspirations, transitions and…
Study on access, transition and learning in secondary education: A two-block study
This two-year study (2014-2016) aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of factors that influence…
India Early Childhood Education Impact Study
Conducted jointly with the Centre for Early Childhood Education and Development (CECED) at Ambedkar…