
ASER Centre’s Assessment Unit has engaged with other non-profits and civil society organisations to understand the impact of their work, support them in developing instruments for educational measurement, and build capacity in the area of educational measurement. In addition, the unit has implemented rigorous impact evaluations of educational interventions implemented by Pratham as well as by other non-profits.

Early Language and Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELANA)

ELANA is an early language, literacy and numeracy assessment that covers pre-primary and early primary grade competencies. This initiative comprises two…

Assessment for All (AfA)

The 2011 census revealed that in India, 2.1% of the population have some disability; of which 45% are illiterate. Further, 600,000 children aged between 6…

International Common Assessment of Numeracy (ICAN)

ICAN is an open-source, robust and easy-to-use assessment tool, available in 11 languages, that offers international comparability of results aligned to SDG…

USAID-RTI: Asia Early Grade Reading Assessment in India

The US Agency for International Development (USAID)/India seeks to improve the quality and accuracy of measurement approaches of its projects so that all…

STIR Reading Programme Evaluation

The intervention by STIR ( includes forming networks of teachers, and supporting them to innovate and implement ideas and practices…

Assessment for Multilingual Education

Read India conducted learning camps for children in the West Singhbhum district of Jharkhand who speak a tribal language other than Hindi. Classrooms…
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