ASER Centre’s Research Unit develops and implements research projects that delve into various aspects of children’s educational trajectories. These projects aim to unpack and explain participation and outcomes at various stages, ranging from pre-primary school for young children to vocational training for older adolescents. The unit has undertaken various projects independently and in collaboration with other organisations.
English Impact Story: Investigating English Language Learning Outcomes at the Primary School Level in Rural India
This report is the result of a truly cross-cultural and multidisciplinary collaboration between Indian and UK institutions, and stems from a strategic…
Exploring Post Primary Schooling
While impressive strides have been made towards universalising access to elementary education in India, available evidence indicates that learning levels at…
Scalable policies for Early Childhood Development
The aim of this study is to develop and test scalable interventions that promote child development and ultimately improve adult outcomes, thereby breaking…
India Early Childhood Education Impact Study
A collaborative, three-tier research study that brings together elements of quantitative and qualitative inquiry to the understanding of ECE in rural India…
People’s Assessment of Health, Education, and Livelihoods (PAHELI)
PAHELI seeks to apply the ASER (Annual Status of Education Report) model to other social sectors in order to understand the status of key human development…
Urban Ward Surveys
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 came into force on April 1, 2010. This series of studies was conducted in one mixed or low…
Inside Primary Schools
This longitudinal study tracked close to 30,000 rural children studying in Std II and Std IV in 900 schools spread over five states. These children, their…
The Role of VEC/PTAs/SMDCs/Urban Local Bodies in School Management and Supervision in the Context of SSA: Case Study of Bihar
This multi state study provided information on the roles, functions, rules, regulations, composition and power delegated to Village Education Committees…
Language Support for Young Children in Assam
In an effort to explore literacy and learning levels within the multilingual context in Assam, ASER Centre along with Pratham set up the Language Support for…