
About ASER 2022

The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is an annual, citizen-led household survey that aims to understand whether children in rural India are enrolled in school and whether they are learning. From 2005 to 2014, and then every alternate year till 2018, large-scale ASER surveys provided representative estimates of the enrolment status of children aged 3-16 and the basic reading and arithmetic levels of children aged 5-16 at the national, state, and district levels.

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted this alternate-year cycle, and the large-scale field survey was replaced by phone-based surveys in 2020 and 2021. ASER 2022 marks the resumption of nation-wide field operations for the first time since the pandemic. Evidence on children’s enrolment and learning is an important input for districts, states, and the country as a whole to understand children’s learning levels and the support they need, especially after the pandemic-induced extended school closures.

ASER 2022 is returning to villages across India to generate this evidence. It will reach more than 17,000 villages in rural districts of the country, and will provide representative estimates of the schooling status of children aged 3-16 and the learning levels of children aged 5-16. Comparisons with previous ASERs will give us a clear picture of the effects of the pandemic on the status of education in rural India.
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